Les Mercredis Photographiques #28 – 30 septembre 2015 dès 18h – 79 rue Bourbon, Bordeaux



mercredis photo


Invisibles parce nous sommes pressés.
Elles sont pourtant la peau de la ville, sa respiration, ses tensions, ses fatigues.
Une mémoire discrète, entêtée toujours à dire le passage, la main de l’homme, sa déraison. Nos abandons.
Elles gardent en elles la fièvre des débuts quand, des fenêtres ouvertes, une voix appelait d’autres voix. Et elles disent aussi le dense, la fougue, l’ancrage vif dans la vie.
Elles sont compagnes pour nos marches. Si nous le voulons.
texte de : Marion Coudert


preserved fro a better day ©morvarid k mercredis photo

Preserved fro a better day ©Morvarid K.

This series depicts the mood and the state of life of Tehranees today. Using the metaphor of a white sheet thrown on a sofa to protect it from dust and damages; it tells the story of people and their universe, placed deliberately under a sheet, to be preserved, to last longer, with the hope of seeing a better day ahead. A closer look reveals a sense of aliveness and optimism despite the white sheet. People are active; they haven’t given up. There is just this layer of discretion and protection, feeding their hope of being still there, and still fresh once it would have all passed.



© Mercedes Cosano mercredis photo

© Mercedes Cosano

Supprimer quelque chose, le faire disparaître; rayer, abolir: Effacer un souvenir de sa mémoire




© Ingunn Viste mercredis photo

© Ingunn Viste

Summer secrets are sealed in the atmosphere of sensing The photos were taken in the summer 2015 in Scandinavia (Denmark and Norway). The theme is to capture our sensing in the nature, from the feeling of being cold and wet walking from the beach, touching the ground when we are running, to the car from childhood that is still there in the woods after all these years. In addition to the activities and things that create memories, the nature around us frames our perceptions with sounds, smells, touches. The pictures are frozen moments of being alive. Ingunn Viste is a Norwegian artist living in Bordeaux. She started with an education in applied arts, and supplemented this with a master’s degree in art history reflecting on the concept of art. In her quest for how art affects humans she begun to study Change Management with special focus on Joseph Beuys’ idea “Social Sculpture”. Lately, she has started to use her cameras again and has entered a creative phase taking poetic images, where the main goal is not to depict the reality but rather to capture and reflect the moods and atmospheres that she experiences in the objects.


Avec la participation de la :


© Minimum Fanfare mercredis photo

© Minimum Fanfare

Le Minimum Fanfare est un groupuscule politique sur–engagé qui a décidé de combattre la morosité par l’énergie de musiques cuivrées et variées. Il porte atteinte à l’intégrité de tous ceux qui souhaitent le calme, l’ordre, la justesse, et le nu-jazz.


Infos Pratiques

Mercredi 26 août 2015 de 18h30 à 22h30
79 rue Bourbon – 33 000 Bordeaux
Entrée libre

Organisé par Cdanslaboite
Vous pourrez, si vous le souhaitez, commencer ou renouveler votre adhésion à l’association.